Pulpit Swap

Sunday, May 19th throughout the month of June 2023!Pulpit Swap – Month of Pentecost

Pentecost Sunday is May 19th! If you’re unable to Pulpit Swap that weekend, please do so anytime during the entire month of June with another pastor in our region!
This is another amazing opportunity to share with our congregations how much we love & appreciate one another as we are reaching our region together. As we serve and honor each other on those weekends, we’re asking pastors to forego honorariums or promoting their own books, but rather to focus on a unity message that will encourage the congregation. As Pastor Sherwood Carthen said, “We’ll keep building bridges while we’re walking on them…” THANK YOU for your willingness to build bridges of hope & unity with one another!

Pulpit Swap

  • *Optional - Please include if you have not previously given your information.
  • *Optional - Please include if you have not previously given your information.
  • *Optional - Please include if you have not previously given your information.
  • *Optional - Please include if you have not previously given your information.