Bringing a Beautifully Diverse Community Together
City Pastors Fellowship is a gathering of lead/senior pastors in the Sacramento Region with the simple goal of building relationships.
We come together as a group of Christian pastors to see this vision from scripture fulfilled: “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus.” – Romans 15:5
Our Story – Executive Team – Statement of Faith – Past Events
It’s not an event.
It’s so far from that.
About City Pastors… We are real friends who pastor the city together week in and week out. We actually know each other and support each other. CPF is not about what happens at the quarterly luncheons. It’s always been about what happens in between — one on one and side by side. In 2007, three pastors thought it would be very good to build off of what others had worked toward, in various ways, for many years. Each of these pastors had about 5-6 really good pastor friends who they invited (along with many other pastors they didn’t yet know) to break bread together. About 20 senior pastors showed up at the first quarterly luncheon to do nothing more than break bread together, become better acquainted, and spend a few minutes praying for one another in very small groups. Gradually, the friendships have not only grown deeper, but also much wider. The spiritual climate is one of celebration for one another, not competition. New pastors are welcomed into the region with open arms and tangible expressions of support from established churches and ministries. We are one church with many life-giving congregations.